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    Sobib lastele
    Loovkirjutamise töötuba
    Tule laupäeval, 23.märtsil algusega kell 15 Tallinna Keskraamatukogu võõrkeelse kirjanduse osakonda (Liivalaia 40) Loovkirjutamise töötuppa.
    Sündmus on tasuta ja toimub inglise keeles. Võta kaasa pastakas ja märkmik. Pakume ka teed ja kui vähegi võimalik, võta oma tass kaasa. Loovkirjutamine vajab vaid veidi julgust. Kõikide vanuste esindajad on oodatud. Lase oma sisemine kirjanik valla, see on väga lõbus!

    Üritus toimub koostöös Aksolotl Literary Magazine ajakirjaga

    Come and join us for a literary improvisation workshop on the 23rd of March at 15.00 in Tallinn Central Library’s Department of Literature in Foreign Languages (Liivalaia 40).
    The event is for free and in English. Bring a pen and a notebook. We offer tea, coffee and cookies for the participants. If possible, bring your own teacup.

    Creative improvisation only requires a bit of courage to be both nonsensical and unimpressive (though occasionally astonishing!) People from any age are welcome.
    Spontaneous writing and creative improvisation are inherently connecting experiences, uniting diverse individuals and ideas. In contrast to skills developed meticulously, individuals already possess a lifetime of improvisational experience, generating intriguing statements naturally in daily conversations. Let your inner writer open up and create something. It will be fun.

    ***You can show up in the spot, but we would appreciate very much if you can let us know if you are coming before hand, please confirm to: or just send a PM through FB or insta (aksolotleesti)

    **This workshop is meant for people of any age and does not require any expertise. Families are welcome, too.

    An event organized by: Aksolotl Literary Magazine

    the event in the Central Library of Tallinn website:

    Aksolotl Literary Magazine